5244, rue Saint-Urbain, Montréal QC H2T 2W9
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  • 11 $ à 25 $,

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At Lotus Palm School you can receive a Thai yoga massage or learn how to give one. Founded in 1995 by Kam Thye Chow, the school has become the most important institution of its kind in North America and its teachers are recognized internationally.

In 2011, after having studied with Kam Thye Chow for many years, Sukha Wong took over ownership of Lotus Palm. She brought her personal vision to the school by expanding the variety of therapeutic teachings, introducing courses such as Lomilomi, Ashiatsu, Thai reflexology and head massage, and energy balancing.

“We help our clients with their physical problems, but we also support them along their mental and emotional journey,” explains Sukha. “There are massages, stretches, but also a lot of compassion.”

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