Stephanie Marshall wants you to have more calm in your life. She'll take the chaos that lives in dark corners, in overstuffed drawers, in the back of your closet or deep down in your basement, and clear it right up. As founder and chief organizer of Organizing by Marshall, Stephanie has yet to see a mess she can't handle.
Organizing by Marshall promises to assist in the areas of home organization, moving and downsizing, office organizing, estate clearance and (for those who want to learn to keep it clean on their own) organizational coaching. Some people are too busy to organize, others don't find it comes naturally, and others find it distressing to shed their cherished possessions when the time comes. Stephanie helps people with all aspects of their organizational needs: the physical, the emotional and the strategic.
"Some people are just naturally more inclined towards organization," she explains. " At the same time, it's a skill and it can be taught. My goal is not to work with people forever, but to give them the tools they need to achieve the level of organization they want on their own."