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Top tips on how to travel around the world for almost free

23 novembre 2014

Trotting around the globe without spending a dime? It's been done before. Here are some top tips on how you can travel around the world for almost free!
How to get around
In many countries, hitchhiking is a common and safe way to travel. It's even possible to go all the way from Canada through the U.S., Mexico, Central America and South America just by hitchhiking—that includes hitching a ride on a boat to cross the Panama Canal.

  • The people that give you rides may offer you something to eat or even a place to stay the night.
  • If you're a female travelling alone, take precautions such as accepting rides only from other women or couples and preferably travelling by day.

Where to sleep

Couch-surfing is a one way to acquire free shelter in the locations you visit.

  • While no money changes hands between the host and the surfer, you are expected to show your appreciation with a gift or favor, such pitching in with cooking or cleaning.
  • There are many popular websites that can connect travel enthusiasts, and you can look up prospective hosts on them.Remember, certified profiles and references are useful in selecting a host.

How to eat

It wouldn't be free travel if you paid for food, would it?

  • Many hostels and guest houses provide lodging and board in exchange for work at the front desk, kitchen or laundry.
  • In the absence of money, elbow grease can see you through: hiring requirements are usually no more than passable English and a positive attitude, though knowing other widely-spoken languages will make it even easier to find hospitality work.
  • Hostels may let you help out for as little as a few days, allowing you to continue your journey afterwards.

Another way to receive room and board is to volunteer.

  • There are many groups that can set up volunteers with organic farms and other eco-friendly organizations around the world. The standard arrangement is four hours of work per day in return for meals and a bed.

How to make money while overseas

You might start off with no money, but that doesn't mean you can't pick up a bit of cash on the road.

  • Being an English teacher, tour guide, scuba diving instructor or bartender are great jobs for travellers that have embarked on a world tour and who are determined not to spend from their pockets.

Don't be nervous

Travelling without money can actually be more fun and educational than taking a luxury vacation.

  • You get to interact with people, meet fellow travellers, broaden your cultural horizons and at the end of it all you will have learned a lot about yourself.

Be it pure wanderlust or a tight budget, there is every chance that with these ideas for inspiration, you can go around the world without blowing your savings.

Top tips on how to travel around the world for almost free
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