L'homéopathie est une médecine alternative sur mesure qui va soigner les maux dont vous souffrez en respectant votre corps. Contrairement à la médecine conventionnelle qui traite les symptômes et non le malade, l'homéopathe va chercher à comprendre à travers une consultation approfondie d'où vient la souffrance et en traiter la cause.
En effet, chaque personne est différente et l'homéopathe uniciste s'intéresse avant tout à ce qui rend le patient venu le consulter, unique. Ainsi il pourra mettre en relation les particularités du patient avec les spécificités du remède qu'il choisira de prescrire à cette personne.plus...Plus de texte
When arriving at my initial consultation with Isabelle, I did not know what to expect. I had never spoken with a homeopath before. Despite my social anxiety, I felt at ease with Isabelle. She asked me many questions, which helped me describe my life to her. She is non-judgmental and compassionate. I never feel under pressure while talking with Isabelle. I recommend her practice of homeopathy to anyone looking for an alternative therapy.
Through a stupid movement I dislocated my patella which was very painful and left me unable to walk or even just lift my leg to lie down. The doctors at the hospital couldn’t help as nothing was broken and I was dismissed with the instructions to keep still, ice the knee and take NSAIDs for the pain and swelling. Still not able to leave the house and with lots of pain after 3 days Isabelle offered to help me. She suggested a homeopathic treatment plan which worked right away. The pain was pretty
Meeting with Isabelle was so amazing, her calm manner and encouraging questions enabled me to share easily and get to the root of the issue causing me so much stress and unease. She listened and created a remedy based on detailed information and when we reviewed it all in the follow up appointment, I was surprised at how much pain was forgotten over the past few months. Thanks Isabelle, you're amazing!
Britt R. - North Vancouver, Canada